Will Pope Francis apologize for atrocities committed at former residential schools?

A conversation with Dr. Moira McQueen, director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institution on the unmarked graves found at St. Eugene’s Mission School in Cranbook, British Columbia, bringing the total number of remains found at former residential schools to 1,505.

On the moral obligation of the Catholic Church to apologize and turn over records to help identify the victims Dr. McQueen says “the church has a high standard of Jesus Christ’s love, and that standard was not met at the residential schools.

But she is hopeful we are in a time of reconciliation and healing. “I feel a new Spirit is upon us.” Adds Dr. McQueen.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops is travelling with a delegation of Indigenous leaders, residential school survivors, and youth to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis in December.


Juno award winning singer/songwriter, Laila Biali


“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Mark 4:38