Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Bill Morneau under fire as WE Charity controversy deepens

Canadian politics usually pale in comparison to our cousins to the south, but there are a couple of major ethics issues happening in Ottawa that have caught fire – yet again – specifically the WE Charity scandal, and the investigation into the alleged mistreatment of several employees by Governor General Julie Payette.

While the facts will be coming out on both issues over the days and weeks ahead; and as the Kielburger brothers are grilled by the Finance Committee for four hours today (July 28), along with the WE Charity’s former Board Chair, Michelle Douglas, who resigned back in March due to “concerning developments” at the charity, it certainly would seem that the money for “WE” was decided not by “US,” or the people who are voted to represent us, but by only a few politicians.

This all blew up when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s government reportedly approved close to $1-billion ($912 million) taxpayer dollars to the WE Charity. In testimony before the Finance Committee today, Craig Kielburger said this amount is wrong and that it is closer to $543 million.

The prime minister is set to testify on Thursday, July 30.

Some say because the PM and Morneau “apologized” for not recusing themselves because of their family members who were involved with the charity, and Morneau paid back more than $41,000 to the charity just hours before he testified before the House Finance Committee last week that everyone should move on.

Others are calling this ‘strike three’ in ethics violations for the party, and more specifically, both Trudeau’s and Morneau’s personal involvement in approving the WE Charity contract; and saying that both should resign – or be removed from office.

Major donors, The Globe and Mail, Virgin Atlantic Airlines, RBC, KPMG, and Telus have pulled out of their sponsorship deals with the charity. 

On the matter of Governor General Julie Payette, an investigation is underway by the Privy Council Office after several past and current employees have come forward and alleged harassment and bullying by Payette.


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